“We Trade Our Night For Someone Else’s Day” by Ivana Bodrožić (Croatia)


“We Trade Our Night for Someone Else’s Day” is a compelling novel that weaves a story around a female protagonist navigating a landscape marred by corruption and post-war trauma in Croatia. The book begins at a slower pace, which some readers found challenging initially, but it gradually draws you in with its intriguing plot and well-developed characters.

The narrative follows Nora, a journalist whose observations transition from passive to actively engaging as the story unfolds. This evolution in her character adds depth, though some felt her actions were at times inconsistent with her established personality. Despite this, her journey is both credible and fascinating, offering a window into a world where war’s aftermath is exploited by corrupt figures for personal gain.

The character of Marko stands out as particularly soulful and memorable, providing a counterbalance to the more complex and sometimes overwhelming array of characters. Readers appreciated the depth of his character amidst the chaos surrounding him.

Readers described the writing style as accessible and engaging, making the book an easy read despite the dark themes it explores. The use of song titles for chapters and poetic lyrics enhances the literary experience, blending seamlessly with the narrative.

However, the large cast of characters and intertwining side stories can be confusing, leaving some readers lost towards the end. This complexity, combined with a rapid unravelling of the plot, led to mixed feelings about the conclusion. While some found the ending appropriate, others were left wanting more resolution, preferring a happier closure.

The novel excels in its vivid descriptions of people and places, painting a haunting picture of a society grappling with the aftermath of conflict and the pervasive corruption that follows. The story’s portrayal of the manipulation and evil that thrive in a dysfunctional state is both disturbing and thought-provoking.

Overall, “We Trade Our Night for Someone Else’s Day” is a well-written and engaging read that offers a poignant look at the resilience and complexities of the human spirit in the face of societal decay.

This extra book of Season 24 scored 8 out of 10.

Nicola’s Book Club reading list

Season 24 – “Historical and Cultural Fiction” (Nov 2023 – Jun 2024)

“Segu” by Maryse Condé (Guadeloupe) *
“The Devils’ Dance” by Hamid Ismailov (Uzbekistan)
“Midnight Blue” by Simone van der Vlugt (Netherlands)
“Mr. President” by Miguel Angel Asturias (Guatemala)

Extra book:
“We Trade Our Night For Someone Else’s Day” by Ivana Bodrožić (Croatia)

* The book club favourite

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