“Midnight Blue” by Simone van der Vlugt (Netherlands)


“Midnight Blue” takes readers on a journey through 17th-century Holland, blending historical elements with a modern twist. The novel sparked mixed reactions among our book club members, resulting in a range of comments that highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of the book.

Readers felt that it was an easy, light read that didn’t demand much intellectual engagement. Described by one reader as a “fun fluffy read” akin to a soap opera, it was a book that could be finished in a day, offering a welcome change from heavier literary fare. However, this accessibility came at a cost for others, who found the narrative lacking depth and sophistication, feeling “underwhelmed” by its simplicity and chick lit-ness.

The juxtaposition of the historical setting with a modern writing style proved divisive. Several readers noted that the book felt too modern at times, almost like a high-school level narrative. This feeling extended to the characters, with criticism aimed at their two-dimensional nature and the writing style that seemed to rely too heavily on telling rather than showing.

Despite these criticisms, “Midnight Blue” did have its redeeming qualities. For those with an interest in art, the passages about the painters were particularly enjoyable. One notable aspect that received consensus was the depiction of historical details. Readers appreciated the glimpses into pottery making, the box beds people slept in, and the fragility of life during that era. These elements added some depth to the story.

In conclusion, “Midnight Blue” is a mixed palette, offering a light and fast-paced historical escape that makes it a good travel companion, perfect for a journey where a high level of attention isn’t necessary. While the novel succeeds in presenting certain historical details in an engaging manner, it falls short in terms of character development and maintaining a consistently convincing historical atmosphere.

This third book of Season 24 scored 5.5 out of 10.

Nicola’s Book Club reading list

Season 24 – “Historical and Cultural Fiction” (Nov 2023 – Jun 2024)

“Segu” by Maryse Condé (Guadeloupe) *
“The Devils’ Dance” by Hamid Ismailov (Uzbekistan)
“Midnight Blue” by Simone van der Vlugt (Netherlands)
“Mr. President” by Miguel Angel Asturias (Guatemala)

Extra book:
“We Trade Our Night For Someone Else’s Day” by Ivana Bodrožić (Croatia)

* The book club favourite

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